hi there

welcome to july the 1st.

which means the 1st half of 2022 is complete.

it’s a new month.

and it’s bin day.

it’s all very exciting, and probably time for a little reflection

what started on january 1st this year as a dream of raising one million pounds to help fund therapy and training for people with mental health problems has to date had 3040 people donate, which is utterly fantastic, and totally inspirational moving forward.

3040 people believe in this dream, and hopefully if you’re reading this, you believe in this dream too.

this week was brilliant, as we went over one hundred thousand pounds, and we are now standing at £121,297, over 12% achieved.

now if you’re a pessimist you would probably argue that that means we will only get to 24% over the full year, but that isn’t how it works, what we have been doing for the last six months is building, building events, building excitement, building momentum, and building hope.

so, the second half of this year is going to be epic, and we need you with us on the team, we need you to cheer for us, join in with us, tell people about us, mention us in conversations, promote us to people that can help, whatever help you can give, because if everyone reading this takes action, the reaction will be we save someone, it’s really that simple, and we’d love you to feel the joy we feel every time somebody shares their story of having found hope.

this week a girl that we know, announced she is doing some fundraising for bigmoose, and in her instagram post wrote that without bigmoose she wouldn’t be here, and it made me remember the sunday morning where she sat in our kitchen, after a very booze fuelled saturday night after she had attempted to take her life, and it made me very happy to think that she was now in a strong position, full of hope, and a new found lust for life and that she felt she wanted to help raise money which will fund other people getting immediate access to critical help, and it made me feel very, very proud.

so to date this year we have had 110 referrals, and 35 people have graduated.

those 35 people are now in a place where desperation in it’s various states has been replaced with hope, and that is flipping amazing, so thank you on behalf of very one of those graduates, every one of their children, parents, siblings, friends, family members and coworkers, your support is life saving.

wow, i got straight at it there didn’t i, can anybody tell I’m passionate about this journey, sorry the cuppa joe properly kicked in there?

as i am typing this blog i am also whattsapping my mate tom, who is at heathrow, just about to fly out to take part in ironman austria on sunday, and fundraising for bigmoose here if you fancy supporting him, good luck tom.


an ironman for those that don’t know, is a mad challenge of a 2.4 mile swim, then straight out of the water, slide the wetsuit off, jump on your road bike, and peddle for 112 miles, until you’re allowed to park your bike, take off your bike shoes, slip on your running shoes, and then you have to run a full 26.2 marathon.

complete madness.

unless you like a challenge, mwahahaha, who here likes a challenge?

"me sir/ma’am", with hand raised very high like a school swot in maths class. (i was going to write brown nose, but chose not to for fear of offending, or if i’m truthful mass unsubscribes)

i love a challenge, and apart from aiming to raise a million quid in 12 months, which is like a fundraising ironman i suppose, i haven’t done a physical challenge for some time, but i’ve found one that excites and scares me, so i’m teetering on the edge of committing, so maybe this time next week i will have jumped in the icy waters of adventure, wish me luck in signing up.

this has just made me think, every january 1st people make resolutions, but at no other time of the year, so how about we make a half year resolution today to do something that pushes us outside our comfort zone, starting to learn that guitar you’ve always wanted to play, booking that trip you’ve talked about going on but never actually done, wodja reckon?

imagine if just by reading this blog you decide to do something, that changes your life for good, how cool would that be?

so, how about we try it?

grab a blank sheet of paper.

now write three things down you’d love to do, that would really make you happy, but you’ve always been scared to do.

now read the list over and over until you find the one you really want to do.

now close your eyes.

now use your imagination to see yourself doing what you really, really want to do, and imagine what you will feel like once you’ve committed to doing it.

the pride, the satisfaction, the joy, and let those emotions wash over you for a minute.

then open your eyes, and cross through the two other ones leaving the one you are going to do.

now let’s get a plan how we’re gonna do it.

now let’s tell someone.

july 1st, the day your life changed for good.

that’d be cool wouldn’t it?

or maybe i’m just a dreamer, but if you make one july resolution please let me know, i’d love to help and support.

so, in summary maybe less coffee, thanks for reading, thanks for supporting bigmoose support others, if you believe we’re gonna get a million say aye.

have a life changing week, and i’ll be seeing ya,

blue skies,

