bigmoose coffee co.


bigmoose has never been about making money and everything we have done in the past few years has been completely funded by donations and we have never taken a penny out to pay ourselves. 

however we are now at a cross roads where we want to continue to grow bigmoose, so we came up with the idea of bigmoose coffee co. 

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where did the idea originate?

this idea came after we had been down to feed the homeless people of cardiff every month for just over 2 years. it grew from just taking tea and coffee down, to getting restaurants involved in making food, bringing hairdressers down to cut the homeless people’s hair and rallying the south wales community to collect warm clothes and bedding (over 1100 bags donated in 2 months!) 

however, even with all of this in place we still felt like we wanted to make more of a difference to these people’s lives and so bigmoose coffee co. was born. the idea is simple we are going to be opening a coffee shop in the centre of cardiff which will run like a normal coffee shop selling epic coffee and scrummy grub! but… its not just any old coffee shop.. the profits from bigmoose coffee co. will be used to help homeless and other disadvantaged people get back into work and society. 

the plan is to open the shop, run it for a few months to find our feet and then we want to train one, hand picked homeless person in food and beverage. after the training course they will then come to the coffee shop and join the team, earning a proper wage and being supported and mentored by the bigmoose gang before then moving on to whatever job they wish to aim for. then the process will begin again with the next person. our ethos is to provide these people with like the big issue say, a hand up not a hand out.